Blog Post List
By L. Markham McHenry, D.O.
Melaleuca Study-National Brand Cleaners
What do you use to clean your home? This article from Melaleuca goes over the facts about many national brand cleaners and how much risk they carry when being used. Check out the full article here:
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VIDEO! Detoxing Your Home Environment
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Great article and video from Dr. Hyman
Please click this link for a very direct, impactful article and speech by Dr. Mark Hyman on the powers, control, and damage inflicted by "Big Food" and how it's shaping our nation and our minds. I encourage you to review this article and the impact these facts have on your lives. -Dr. McHenry [embed][/embed] Article and video courtesy…
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HRT Article
A patient sent me this great article to share. This gets right to the facts on the safety of Hormone Replacement Therapy. [embed][/embed] Article from Dr. Anna Garrett at
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My Thoughts on Hydration

Hello It’s Dr. McHenry. I wanted to talk to you today about an article that came out in the New York Times and was also picked up by many of the news stations, I even saw it here locally on the news. They were reiterating that in this article Mr. Carroll pediatric researcher (Aaron Carroll, MD, MS, Associate Professor/Associated Director,…
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New Alert on Blood Pressure

Hello Everyone Dr. McHenry coming to you with an important message about Blood Pressure. A recent study done by the National Institute of Health was stopped prematurely because of the overwhelming benefit of lowering blood pressure. The patients in the study were aggressively treated to lower their blood pressure to 120/80 or less. Patients in the control group were allowed…
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Melanoma and Skin Cancer: Are You at Risk?

You might think only fair-skinned people who sit out in the sun all day — sans sunscreen — get skin cancer. But the truth is that skin cancer can happen to anyone, regardless of age, skin color, or lifestyle. It can happen whether you spent your summers at the beach as a child or just recently took up gardening as…
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FotoFinder: The #1 Way to Screen for Skin Cancer

What can you do in two minutes? If you're fast, maybe you can load the dishwasher, get dressed, or cook an egg. But it's not a lot of time to do much of anything else. Yet two minutes is, on average, the amount of time your doctor will spend checking most of your body for skin cancer - the most…
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5 Things You Need to Know About Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is one of the most important things I speak to my patients about, especially because Arizona has some of the highest rates in the country. In fact, a joint report by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that in 2009, more than 1400 people living here were diagnosed with…
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3 Ways to Get Enough Vitamin D – Without Getting a Sunburn

Vitamin D is important. Of all the vitamins and minerals that are important to keep your body and your mind healthy, vitamin D is one that is not only beneficial, but essential. Nearly every week it seems there's another study that shows how it can help prevent cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, glucose intolerance, and multiple sclerosis, among others. High…
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The Easy At-Home Test That Could Save Your Life

If your physician thinks you have obstructive sleep apnea, a serious condition that affects about 18 million people, chances are he'll order a sleep study. It's what's known as a polysomnogram, and to be perfectly honest, it's not fun. You'll have to sleep overnight in a sleep center or a hospital. The room may look like a bedroom, but it's…
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Why Your Doctor Needs to Talk to You About Sleep Apnea — But Won’t

When I meet a new patient for the first time, we spend nearly 2 hours talking about their health. I take a full medical history, delve deep into their symptoms, and find out what their goals are to achieve optimal health. As you can imagine, there are a ton of questions I ask. One of the most important is how's…
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Food Allergies Threaten Your Health – What You Can Do About It

If you get recurrent migraines, muscle aches and pains, digestive problems or battle bouts of depression or anxiety, you probably chalk it up to stress, lack of sleep, or the take-out you had for dinner last night. Maybe you’ve even seen specialists about it but multiple tests turn up nothing. And those pills he prescribed? They made you feel worse.…
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The Key to Reducing Inflammation

In my previous post, "The Surprising Reason YOU Have Inflammation," I revealed how the unhealthy foods you eat - even occasionally - can lead to chronic inflammation and are at the root cause of so many health conditions and diseases including obesity, heart disease, type-2 diabetes, stroke, and more. But there’s good news. With some simple changes to your lifestyle…
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The Surprising Reason YOU Have Inflammation

Everyone has food cravings; even I do. It’s easy to fall into the trap of cookies, pizza, a good burger and fries, potato chips and some ice cream. You already know these foods aren’t healthy but you figure, What’s the harm if I don’t eat them every day? And I’ve got news for you. You might love these foods, but…
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Fat Is Inflammation in Disguise

Got a beer belly? Muffin top? Or belly pudge that just won’t budge? What about the extra weight you’re carrying in other areas of your body? Sure, your clothes might be tight, and you know it’s not healthy, but what I’m about to tell you might surprise you. All those extra pounds can actually trigger a vicious cycle your body…
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Inflammation: The Root of Common Disease

I know this sounds strange coming from a physician, but I'm in awe of inflammation. It’s a fascinating process, because although it’s designed to help your body heal, it can actually cause a lot of harm and do some serious collateral damage along the way. You’ve probably read about inflammation or anti-inflammatory foods and wondered what exactly it is and…
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